Sunday, June 29, 2008

Fuller to Invade the Already-Full World Wide Web

If Bonnie Fuller's book last year was called "The Joys of Much Too Much," Ed can't help but wonder if the well-known magazine editor will feel the same way about attempting to carve a space in the digital world...which is reportedly her next venture. After all, there is definitely MUCH too much on the web already, especially when it comes to celebrity "news" and general women's interests.

In a nutshell, the 5850 Group is seeking to raise "tens of millions" to back Bonnie as an online brand. Her company is called Bonnie Fuller Media, is based in New York, and "will be heavily digital and offer a variety of femme-friendly products that will include, but not be limited to, gossip, fashion and romance." By the way, Ed got all this great info and quoteyquotes from an incredibly long NYT personality piece on Bonnie, which is linked above.

"Is she trying to be like Atoosa?" a fellow mag-hag asked Ed.

Ed doesn't think so. The 'Toos has her quirky Alpha Kitty brand, complete with a cult-like following, but Ed suspects Bonnie's got something big tucked up into her sleeve (other than investors!).

Thoughts? Have at it, kids.

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